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brian suder guide to hollywood x

Everyone in Hollywood has big dreams, big ideas. So many come to this town with the dream of making it in show business, of making the movies that they want, but so few often do. There are basically millions of reasons for this, not the least of which is that rarely do the people who want to produce and fund movies make good decisions when it comes to the projects that they take on. Brian Suder Inc. is the opposite of this. In partnership with Strategic Growth Capital, they have made great decisions when it comes to which projects to undertake.

Top Quality Action

The company has a real eye for projects as well as for getting the deal done. For example, in the last decade or so, there’s been a real rise in action movies featuring leads that are older than 40. Liam Neeson and “Taken” is a fine example of this genre. Showing real foresight and Hollywood instincts, Brian and Strategic Growth Capital put one of the most beloved James Bonds of all time, Pierce Brosnan, back into the action genre with “November Man.” What made the movie so successful was that it combined the beloved “man of action” persona of Pierce with the grittier, grimier action aesthetics that have become so popular since Pierce was James Bond. Audiences responded to this new take on a popular figure.

Not Just Action: Romantic Dramedy

Of course, there are so many big action movies these days. Every time you look at the box office, it seems like there’s another movie based on a comic book or video game out there. With a real understanding of Hollywood markets and fundamentals, Brian and Strategic Growth Capital showed that they’re far more than a “one trick pony” when they successfully contributed to big time romantic dramedies, too, such as “So It Goes.” In multiple movies, audiences have loved seeing Michael Douglas and Diane Keaton fall in love. These two, legitimate Hollywood royalty, have been in some of cinema’s most indelible moments. By smartly reuniting them, in an all-new movie with comedic and dramatic elements, Brian and Strategic Growth Capital once again showed that they understand exactly what it is that diverse audiences want.

The Future is Bright with Brian Suder Inc.

All of that is in the near-recent past, and the one question on everyone’s lips in Hollywood is always “what have you done for me lately?” Well, Brian and Strategic Growth Capital have plenty of other films and productions in the pipeline. Their track record speaks for itself, and shows that they have everything that it takes to be a major player in Hollywood for years to come. With an eye for talent and bankable projects, as well as having worked with Denzel Washington, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Russell Crowe, and Nicolas Cage just to name a few, they’re set to be a major contributor to American cinema for a long time to come.

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